Mission Statement
We strive to help business owners protect what they have worked hard to earn.
We provide solutions that give the business owner peace of mind that their assets are safe. In doing this, we help the business owner feel secure in the trust they have placed on those individuals controlling the business’s finances.
- We value simplification over complexity.
- We value the feedback and input of our customers and view the customer as the ultimate product manager.
- We believe success comes from building an organization that is passionate about the solutions it delivers.
- We recognize there is a correlation between an individual’s passion and the quality of their contribution to the organization.
To be the de facto resource for forensic accounting and fraud investigation needs of the businesses looking for preventing, detecting, investigating or resolving the frauds.
Satyam Connection
Listen to what DIG Lakshminarayana has to say about the Satyam Investigation. In the 3rd Annual Antifraud conference he mentioned the role of forensic accountants