Reasons for Using Biznexxus
Biznexxus is the corporate analytics platform used to establish the nexus between individuals and businesses. There are several reasons for using Biznexxus over the data aggregators and the Global Databases by the Indian Financial Institutions.
Solid Fundamental Research
True value of Biznexxus lies in the extensive research that goes beyond sanction screening. This means clients have access to hundreds of thousands profiles that present known fraud, terrorism, organized crime and money laundering risk– but that you wont find on any official lists.
Special Nexus Report
Businesses create the nexus through various layers of the Individuals. These layers are rarely known to the rest of the world. We establish the nexus between the high risk individuals such as those involved in scams, inside trading, potential money laundering activity and the businesses. Our nexus report is based on various pre-defined red flags or the early warnings.
Politically Exposed Persons
While all politically exposed persons themselves do not necessarily represent high risk, many do, and some laws require specific PEP due diligence. Biznexxus closely follows the various definitions as a starting point in its PEP coverage and thus not only include primary PEPs, but also immediate relatives and inner circle executives in the database. Roughly 60% of Biznexxus content is categorized PEP, and to enable targeted, risk-based screening, they are also sub-categorized. This means clients only have to screen the type of PEP they consider a part of their screening policy.
Structured Data
Biznexxus research combines human intelligence and software processes. As a result we provide structured, examined information that is de-duplicated and quality controlled. Analysts make connections between subjects, business or family relationships, and uncover terror, criminal and political networks. Biznexxus is much beyond the data aggregation it converts the data available in the public domain to the intelligence.